
Shotgun III

Shotgun III


Builds upon skills learned in Shotgun II to develop the defensive handgun and personal skills necessary to not only survive but control a lethal encounter.

Students will learn and practice the skills, and attitude essential to surviving a lethal confrontation.

Topics Covered

• Basic firearm safety
• Shooting and Loading
• Expanded movement while shooting
• Multiple target engagement
• Utilizing cover and/or concealment 

Course Length

5 Hours

Course Prerequisites

Shotgun II

Required Gear

• Eye and Ear Protection (Can be purchased day of class at discount)
• Shotgun (pump action or semi-auto)
• Sling (ability to sling in front)
• 100 rounds
• Extra Ammo carrier (chest rig, ammo pouch, cargo pocket, etc)
• Closed toed shoes

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