


Low Light

Low Light


The primary goal of this course is to teach the students how to cope with Low Light or No Light situations. In addition, we will discuss and teach several methods of using a handheld flashlight.

Through the use of classroom presentation and practical exercises, the students will develop skills and confidence in their ability to safely engage targets in the dark.

Topics Covered

• Basic firearm safety
• Handheld light techniques
• Light discipline
• One handed shooting
• Shooting from cover
• Reloading techniques


Course Length

5 Hours

Course Prerequisites

At least ONE of the following:

  • Defensive Fundamentals 3
  • Instructor Pass
Required Gear

• Eye and Ear Protection
• Handgun
• Holster (outside waist band, strong side only, good condition, properly fits gun, maintains shape when firearm is removed, ability to re-holster with strong hand only, mounted to a proper belt)
• 3 magazines with mounted mag pouches
• 200-300 rounds of ammo
• Flashlight
• Closed toed shoes
• Comfortable clothes that you do not mind getting dirty

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