


Practical Pistol for Armed Professionals

Practical Pistol for Armed Professionals


As an armed professional you should want to take your shooting to the next level, and this is the course to help you do that. The concepts taught in this course will begin with a deeper dive into biomechanics of your grip and stance. Building off that strong base and grip, we will begin work on balancing speed and accuracy all while considering distance. Concepts that we will discuss and skills we will practice include developing a more efficient and faster draw, emergency/tactical reloads, malfunctions, one handed shooting, and shooting from cover.

This class is a Missouri P.O.S.T.-approved training course.

Topics Covered
  • Biomechanics of grip
  • Speeding up the draw
  • Balancing speed and accuracy
  • Tactical/Emergency Reloads
  • One handed shooting
  • Shooting from cover
Course Length

8 Hours

Course Prerequisites
• Current/former LEO or Armed Private Security, or have completed our Defensive Handgun 1 course.
• Have a solid understanding of your firearm, its operation, and can handle it safely.
Required Gear
  • Eye and Ear Protection (Can be purchased day of class at discount)
  • Semi-automatic handgun
  • Holster (outside waist band, strong side only, good condition, properly fits gun, maintains shape when firearm is removed, ability to re-holster with strong hand only, mounted to a proper belt)
  • 350 rounds of ammo
  • Closed toed shoes

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