IDPA Match
IDPA is the International Defensive Pistol Association. IDPA is a shooting sport based on defensive pistol techniques, using equipment including full-charge service ammunition to solve simulated “real world” self-defense scenarios. Shooters competing in defensive pistol events are required to use practical handguns and holsters that are deemed suitable for self-defense use. Great for new shooter and those who want to get practice with their CCW set up. We will shoot 3 or more stages per match. Rules and sign up for IDPA at www.idpa.com
Gear needed: Either OWB (Outside Waist Band) or AIWB (Appendix Inside Waist Band)* holster, mag pouches, 3 or more magazines, belt, eye and ear protection and a cover garment of some kind (ie: vest, jacket, shirt) to hide your firearm and mags. Bring at least 100 rounds to the match.
IDPA Matches are on the 1st Thursday each month starting at 6pm. Competition Skills and Drills take place on the last Thursday of every month, and also begin at 6pm.
Sign ups for both go live at 6pm on the Friday before both event on the PractiScore website. Meet in the classroom for the safety brief before going down to the range. Cost is $20 plus tax per shooter.
*Participants using AIWB holsters must be classified at a high-level in shooting sports, or have a Holster Draw Certification as a member of The Range. If neither are present, they will be asked to demonstrate safe drawing and holstering by performing dry runs before their first live-fire run through a stage.